Things skinny people hear a lot

  1. “You're so lucky, it's all in your genetics”
    Okay so I am not going to deny that genetics do play a part in most aspects, but several studies show that everybody (with no specific condition) can gain weight. Besides, some people may look skinny but still have a high body fat percentage.
    Instead of looking at families with a tendency to be either fat or skinny with the “its all about genetics” point of view, try to look at a different kind of heritage – social heritage.
    Eating habits and exercise patterns are inheritable too.
    Also, if you say this to somebody you do not know that well, there is a possibility that this person used to be overweight and fought hard to lose weight and keep it off.
  2. “Aren't you gonna eat that? You if one can get away with it"
    Yes that may be true. But if I always thought like that I would probably get fat.
  3. "Why do you even work out/do sports?"
    Because I like it? Not everybody works out in order to lose weight. Besides, it is not like you lose 10 pounds every time you go for a run.
  4. Choosing the light version: “Are you trying to lose weight?” Said in the ever so concerned yet judgemental toneNo, I am probably not trying to lose weight. Maybe I just don't want to gain weight. Or maybe I want my calories to come from other types of food. Who ever set the non-light version to be the default choice?
  5. “Based on what you just ate, how can you NOT gain weight?”
    Okay so first of all you cannot make that kind of judgement based on what I just ate. Unless you were to follow me around all day to measure what I ate, your question doesn't make any sense. In a social setting I am probably eating more than I would do on my own.
  6. "Do you never let yourself go?"
    Sure, there is a sense of control associated with being skinny. But does control really make you skinny? The way I see it, if you have rational eating habit on a daily basis, this means that you can “let yourself go” without gaining weight.
    But in the end, eating reasonable amounts is not just about control. I listen to my body – how much do I need? That is the answer.
  7. "Your muscle mass must equal 0"
    Not necessarily. But unlike you, I don't have excess fat that is covering it up.
And yes, there is nothing better than enormous amounts of cheese. Once in a while.

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