Is it fair to offer unpaid internships?

... and is it reasonable to settle for one?

The question of internships remains a hot topic. For many student it is a necessity to break through to the "real" labor market, gain valuable and necessary experience and in some cases a mandatory part of their education.
Many countries have rather complicated regulation when it comes to internships (in terms of conditions and salary) and one cannot generalize in a world wide perspective.
Though, fact is that we're often speaking of a grey area.

Aspect #1: Prices & wages
If you're looking for an internship in your home country (or country of study/residence), naturally you will already be in possession of knowledge regarding general price level, general wage level and supply/demand for your skills & education.
If you're looking at an internship in another country or even continent this information might be rather difficult to fully get a grib on.
This is all information that comes in handy when evaluating whether or not the pay (or no pay) is fair.
Aspect #2: Experience vs money
For a prospective intern the impact from the internship on the resume is essential.
Therefore there is a trade off between the pay and the nature of the internship function.
The better the gained experience, the better impact it will have on one's resume.
Therefore it could be an idea to compromise when it comes to salary if the internship is of high relevance and quality.
Aspect #3"Interns should not be paid. This way they are not taking jobs from the unemployed"
This is a common argument (also used when explaining why foreign students in particular shouldn't get paid). But the logic is is not.. logical.
The demand for labor does not appear out of nowhere. And if a company can get free labor obviously this is a desirable solution. The main idea behind the argument is that the organization in question first of all hires the labor it needs and then hires interns. But if all the tasks are already being taken care of, the intern will end up getting coffee (which is rarely the point behind an internship).
So bam. Argument down.
Aspect #4: The use of agencies
When looking for a internship abroad it can be pretty diffcult to find something since you are not personally able to show up for an interview. As a result, some people use agencies to help them find internships. These agencies charge fees which differ a lot.
So be aware of agencies that charge an expensive fee in order to find a unpaid internship for you. Ask critical questions about what this fee is used for (sometimes your money will be spent financing their relationship with the companies)
All in all I am personally against unpaid internships. For ethical reasons, for monetary reasons and for common sense reasons. You provide a service as an intern, for that you should get some type of compensation (may that be accommodation or similar).
Otherwise the possession of an internship becomes a rich kid business.
Unfortunately some major organizations offer unpaid internships (such as the UN) simply because they can. That is pretty ironic considering the high salaries they offer for real jobs!

Fight for what you're worth ('cause that's a whole lot!)

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