Recommendation: Scandinavia and the World

Many (I'd say) years ago, I came across the comic Scandinavia and the World .
I am not sure if they ever had that one viral post, I think I came across them on Facebook several times.

What is so unique about their content you may ask? They manage to display cultural and national differences in a cute and innocent manner. There is nothing provoking about the comics, at least very indirectly if there is any .

Here I share a couple of my favorite comics:

1. Bedside manners
 Oh how cute! Another example of why it is hard not to love SATW (short for Scandinavia and the World)

2.Where's my f***ing Sweets
SATW entertains you AND teaches you history! Apparently people on the Faroe Islands aren't too happy about Norwegians as they weren't as likely to hand out chocolate during WW2. Fun fact! You may want to fact check that first.

3. Let Italian Men Live!
Most of us have come across the prejudice that Italian men cannot take care of themselves because the women in their lives do that for them. Some Italians are getting tired of this apparently!

4. What did you say?
Interesting comic about the Nordic languages. Because language evolves over time, modern day language in one area may resemble the old version of a language in another area. This is the case for most Nordic language and shows how connected we all are up here in the cold North.

5. Nordic Brothers
Peace has not always been present in Northern Europe. Maybe we tend to forget that since we have such strong and peaceful relationships today.
It is a nice reminder that even the areas of the world with the most conflicts as of today, could become strong allies in the future. Hopefully we will all feel that way someday!

About SATW:
I have not been able to find a whole lot about the author(s). The main author is a Danish female and on SATW you will find links to other similar blogs and comics, some of which are apparently run by the same person.
From reading the descriptions it appears that she fairly often interacts with other Nordic nationals.
Having started in 2009, this proves great commitment to her creative field and I hope she keeps it up in the future.

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